Cracking The Pupil Code: The No-Frills, No-Panic Guide To Anisocoria

In these technology-rich days, you can arrive at six different diagnoses for that odd-looking spot or that pounding headache in under a minute. But while the internet can be high on content, it can be low on context, which can lead you to unnecessary (and unhelpful) panic before you ever step foot in a clinic. This goes double for anisocoria (uneven pupils), which has both urgent and completely benign causes. If you're looking for the lowdown -- without the panic -- on anisocoria, then here's what you need to know. [Read More]

Winter Contact Lenses: A Few Helpful Tips To Avoid Dry Eyes And Infections

For those who have never worn contact lenses before and are considering them, it is important to understand that contacts require very special care. While this is true 24/7, contact lenses need special attention given to them during the winter. Otherwise, you may find that you are more likely to experience irritation, dryness and infection. Therefore, before you decide to get contacts, you need to make sure you are up to the task of protecting your contacts as well as your eyes. [Read More]