What Different Types Of Eye Care Do Optometrists Provide?

To keep the eyes in the best of health, it is important to have regular checkups with an optometrist. However, eye checkups are not the only service an optometrist offers to patients. Optometrists often provide care for their patients from childhood throughout their entire lives. These are some of the different types of eye care that optometrists commonly provide. Examinations Optometrists perform eye examinations on a daily basis. This is done to ensure that a patient has healthy eyes and that they are working properly. [Read More]

3 Tips for Taking Care Of Your Eyes At Any Age

Your eyes are important no matter how old you are. Whether you've seen it all, or haven't seen much at all, your eyes are extremely important and need to be cared for. People often skip eyecare until there is an actual problem, but by then, they need vision correction lenses. To help you care for your eyes, whether you've reached this point in your life or not, read on for helpful tips. [Read More]

When To See An ENT

No matter what is going on with your health, there will be a doctor or specialist that you can see who will help you with a diagnosis and treatments for what ails you. One type of specialist that you may need to see for certain issues is an ENT. An ENT is also known as an ear, nose, and throat specialist. This is who you are going to go to if you have issues that stem from ear, nose, or throat problems, or if you have issues going on with any of these areas. [Read More]

Three Things You Should Know About Treating Dry Eyes

When you have dry eyes, it can be uncomfortable to go through your day. Light hurts, your eyes are itchy, and it can be hard to drive at night. Thankfully there are widely available treatments. Knowing the best options to treat your dry eyes can help you identify the best way to soothe them. Drops Can Make Your Eyes Feel Moisturized Eye drops are often the first line of defense against dry eyes and they come in a seemingly infinite number of options. [Read More]